Tuesday 17 November 2009

Media Convergence

All the different branches converge into one uber-gadget. i.e. the iPhone(sam's idea). it will be small interactive and portable.

What benefits might MEDIA CONVERGENCE confer on both consumers of the media and producers of the media?
It will give us all easy access to each other and the world, we will be constantly connected, we will only have to buy one device so will send less, we will instantly be able to satisfy any techno-urges we night feel because it will be portable and interactive. The media will also have new business opportunities they will have access to more people than ever before, and 24/7. How ever people may loose jobs, and it is highly likely that a single company will dominate, i fear that diversity may suffer.
3. How has the magazine industry responded to developments in new media technologies in terms of the distribution of content since the 1990s? (In order to answer this question you must follow links on MAGFORUM to the section on DIGITAL MAGAZINES)

Market size has increased with population, as has the quality and ease of printing, as technology has improved. More recently internet mags have started. The UK's market is also becoming more diverse with 500 new titles launched each year.

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