Monday 30 November 2009

The Street Denotation and sound

The aim of this session is to explore the ways in which status is represented in a television drama extract.

Language of signs denotation (the thing we see) and connotation (whats implied by the thing)

shaved headed children
young white woman
baby sitter
messy small dingy house

working class
pressure poor stress

The purpose of sounds in a media text is in the case of ambient music to portray a set mood, they often increase pressure indicating tension, music can be used to create emotions such as happiness or depression. Tone of voice and accents can also reveal further things about the characters and their feelings.

4 types of sound

Diegetic sound Sound which come from within the scene eg. characters or radio
Non diegetic sound added sounds which aren't from the scene, like ambient music and theme tunes
Synchronised sound match between visual and sound
selective sound emphasise aspects and moments

sound diegetic everyday sounds of keys, doors, cars, footsteps, accents create a normal mundane feel, the non diegetic the tinkling piano music show the love for the two children and suggests slight trepidation, the music speeds as the boiler cuts out, the shouting children and fast music create a feel of stress this is selective sound.

status the characters are cut and isolated they look around in awe at the surroundings, the other character look at them in a snide way, the desk acts as a barrier. and the three people seem like judges.

sound the silence show the awkwardness and disapproval from the other members it makes others seem as though the are making them selves aloof and think they are better than them. the quick panic almost crying voice shows the desperation and begging and if you beg your putting yourself below them. the quiet soft tone of voice used by the board shows that they are showing some empathy but is still quiet cold the lack of speech from the board show they think she is not worthy of one.

discuss the ways in which status is represented in the clip

in this answer you must
  • use media vocab
  • discuss different types if so by name
  • make answer as detailed as possible analysing each aspect
Status is represented in the clip via camera work, the long shot shows the awe and insignificance they feel as they appear small on the shot. the camera shots are simple, the profile shots of the two groups facing each other show that they are pitted against each other but the family are smaller in physical size again representing the status. The white building creates a feeling of quality about the school, that it is clean and good this is also achieved using natural and high key lighting. The building is very grand as well showing the upper class area and people. The costumes of the main characters are poor, where as the other are in far nicer clothes, the connotations of this is again the lower social status of the family. The body language is leaning forward in a pleading manner. The characters are positioned facing each other in a almost confrontational way they are also isolated and shoved in a corner like they are unimportant. The board use the desk as a kind of barrier from the family. Editing the backwards and forwards quick shot of the interview shows the panic of the mother when facing the board. They have included less shots of the board showing their aloof higher status. The silence in the waiting room, shows the awkwardness and disapproval from the other members it makes others seem as though they see themselves better than the family and therefore not worthy of being spoken to. the quick panic almost crying voice shows the desperation and begging, and as she is begging she is putting herself below them. The quiet soft tone of voice used by the board shows that they are showing some empathy but is still quiet cold, the lack of speech from the board show they think she is not worthy of their time.

Highlights from my textual analysis

Mise en scene - The white building creates a feeling of quality about the school, that it is clean and good this is also achieved using natural and high key lighting.
Camera work - the long shot shows the awe and insignificance they feel as they appear small on the shot. the profile shots of the two groups facing each other show that they are pitted against each other but the family are smaller in physical size again representing the status
Editing - Editing the backwards and forwards quick shot of the interview shows the panic of the mother when facing the board. They have included less shots of the board showing their aloof higher status.
Sound - the lack of speech from the board show they think she is not worthy of their time. The silence in the waiting room, shows the awkwardness and disapproval from the other members it makes others seem as though they see themselves better than the family and therefore not worthy of being spoken to

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