Monday 7 December 2009

regional representation of Liverpool

Liverpool is represented as extremely poor in the 'Priest' clip, sound is used at the start the sinister tolling of bells and eery non-diegetic organ give a impending sense of doom, that one would feel when a vicar in liverpool. The babbling kids who are impossible to de-shypher paired with barking dogs give a sense of working class, and boredom. Mise en scene is also used to represent liverpool, the plain grey and brown church is extremely bare they cant afford pews, this shows the poverty found in Liverpool. The drab streets with small houses also achieves this. The kids are wearing tracksuits and trainers, which is stereotypically the attire of a 'Chav' again the connotations of this are that the people are poor. The camera shots are always fairly close up this losecreates a sense of claustrophobia showing the inclosed nature of this part of liverpool, however a longshot of a church is shown showing the grandness of it in stark contrast to the slums. Serene shots with a long duration are used when looking at the church of vicar, however shorter clips are used when looking at the Liverpudlians, this makes their lives seem insignificant and small, showing the low social status of Liverpool.

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