Friday 26 February 2010



what do you think of my roughcut?


1. I want to decide on the correct mise en scene experimenting with effects colour and saturation.
2. i need to document my work regularly and in depth.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Looking back at my footage

I am pleased with the content but the shots are fuzzy and often wobbly. My first draft the shots lasted too long, i'm very glad i took so many takes and in so many different ways as a large percentage of my recordings were unusable. I am also glad I avoided dialogue, it's not required in the first 2 minutes of a film and it would have been very hard to make it sound authentic and believable. In many of the AS films I have seen the speech was awkward and clunky.

Monday 22 February 2010

Music and sound

I spent alot of time looking for music, initially I was planning on writing to a band called the Decemberists who have multiple dark nautical folk songs, which were perfect for the piece. I did manage to find a very similar sounding piece on a music website, and it had no words which was even better, but you had to pay to use it. So in the end i used my friend Harry a music tech student, the specification i gave him, were: horror, nautical, folk
and I think he came back with a fantastically fitting piece.

One sound problem i had was the variation in wind noise between shots, further more some had me tlaking in the background, so in the end the vast majority of the shot were muted. The gulls and waves were preset sounds on imovie.
You can also hear the sound of the tape whirring in some of the shots.

Monday 8 February 2010

Titles and credits

Maybe on the horizon
On the village sign
On the shop sign

However my latest story board doesn't have the village sign or the shop sign, but i had intended to shoot it in several different ways and several times, so i have more choices in the editing room.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Friday 5 February 2010

The rest of the film.

The man will continue through the village, he will take residence in the pub or with an old lady. Later on he will get entangled with the strange local religion, he will attempt to halt the murderous pagan shaman, much like in Hot Fuzz.

Tuesday 2 February 2010


Try to imagine it in bad weather with some creepy folk music about drowning or something. Comments about places you liked/didn't like would be appreciated.
