Sunday 24 January 2010

The wicker man

The wickerman starts with scenic views of the Scottish coast from a seaplane, the shots are simple establishing long distance shots, as is the editing, which has no effects.
As like in many horror films, the opening two minutes seem benign, probably to add to the shock to come, the only hint is a strange eye painted on the boat. It is accompanied by some Scottish folk music which gives sense of community and ruralness. The mise en scene is bright light and beautiful.
there are many blues and greens, the costumes and housing are picturesque and rustic.
I want to create a Wickerman like film, set in a possibly the marshes of North Norfolk, involving a secluded rural village where odd beliefs are practised. I think it would have to be set sometime ago as however secluded some villages are around here, I doubt that they are pagan!
I think a similar thing could be easily achievable however I’m not sure how interesting it will be. To be honest, I don’t see the point in making the opening two minutes of a film because very often they are very plain and simple, I may have to break with convention and produce something that dives straight into the horror in order to best showcase my abilities, but I think by doing this we lose the suspense and some of the creepiness, perhaps I could do something creepy and harrowing but doesn’t bear direct relevance to the rest of the film, like a flashback, or a murder or ritual not involving the main characters. Perhaps a shot of daily life before the arrival of the ‘hero’.

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